Youtube: Pewdiepie hits 100m subs | Says, 'the best week of his life' |

So recently the individual content creator, “Pewdiepie” crossed 100 Million subscribers.

He told that this was the best week of his life, cause most importantly his marriage was successfully held.

Being a Minecrafter for the past weeks, also led him to defeat the ender-dragon(the final boss of Minecraft) and which was also added in his list of joy.

His Reddit community also hit 2 million members and that’s a win too.

But meanwhile T-Series is also keeping up their pace without showing any symtoms of slowing down. Though the bro-army is doing quite good too, with their bro-fists.

So let’s just hope he gets backs his old positions as a token of love for his wedding gift.

Congratulations, It’s a celebration. Bro-fist ✊

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